About the Book, Manner of the Sundog: Part one

Manner of the Sundog is a geopolitical Sci-Fi thriller (Polar Opera) about a young physicist living in a postmodern Antarctica. The story depicts life, culture and the political struggles following a century of intense climate change, war and social discord. Young physics prodigy, Bane Elrick, is thrown into a conflict between the Annortics governing body, ICS, and an imperialistic Union controlled by GRANT Corp. an aggressive multinational resource and trade company. The story is set around the city of Ellsworth, located on the beautiful west coast of Antarctica, where ICS has become the target of espionage and the victim of brutal attacks carried out by Grant's Lynx Army in an attempt to recover land rights and lost secrets of invaluable technological powers, vital to their ability to control the world’s economy. Bane Elrick tells his story of life, love, and excessive greed, and his rise to leadership of the world’s most elusive continent and sovereign nation…Antarctica.
Manner of the Sundog takes a very realistic look into the future of our Planet and how civilization will appear by the end of this century. Especially on the continent of Antarctica, mankind’s final frontier and salvation, in addition to how the world may endeavor to govern it in lieu of the greatest international treaty in human history, which currently protects it. Much the way colonial Americans fought to build a free country of their own, the Annortics of Antarctica will endure a similar strife that creates the greatest of all sovereignties. The last new world and global melting pot of culture and history, science and technology, religion and politics within our planets most primitive environment, where civilization must focus their efforts in concord to prevail in unity. Antarctica has intrigued our interest and imaginations for over a century now, but more so only recently. Very few stories have taken place in what has always been considered a frozen lifeless wasteland. This was my inspiration to write Manner of the Sundog, a story that’s been diverting my imagination for over thirty years. I'm pleased to finally see it in print and I hope that all people of all ages and culture will get to enjoy it, as there are many elements that will appeal to everyone.
“Manner of the Sundog is an interesting story with a good plot; the characters and plot seemed interesting and realistic. There also seemed to be plenty of adventure along the way.” -Readers’ Favorite
Available at Amazon - Barnes and Noble - Kobo - bookdepository.com - books.google.com - play.google.com and more. www.junglee.com if purchasing in India.
Manner of the Sundog takes a very realistic look into the future of our Planet and how civilization will appear by the end of this century. Especially on the continent of Antarctica, mankind’s final frontier and salvation, in addition to how the world may endeavor to govern it in lieu of the greatest international treaty in human history, which currently protects it. Much the way colonial Americans fought to build a free country of their own, the Annortics of Antarctica will endure a similar strife that creates the greatest of all sovereignties. The last new world and global melting pot of culture and history, science and technology, religion and politics within our planets most primitive environment, where civilization must focus their efforts in concord to prevail in unity. Antarctica has intrigued our interest and imaginations for over a century now, but more so only recently. Very few stories have taken place in what has always been considered a frozen lifeless wasteland. This was my inspiration to write Manner of the Sundog, a story that’s been diverting my imagination for over thirty years. I'm pleased to finally see it in print and I hope that all people of all ages and culture will get to enjoy it, as there are many elements that will appeal to everyone.
“Manner of the Sundog is an interesting story with a good plot; the characters and plot seemed interesting and realistic. There also seemed to be plenty of adventure along the way.” -Readers’ Favorite
Available at Amazon - Barnes and Noble - Kobo - bookdepository.com - books.google.com - play.google.com and more. www.junglee.com if purchasing in India.
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Rafn's Journey 2014 by Ted Cabana

Rafn's Journey is a Viking-esque saga about a 12th century Greenlander who finds himself misplaced in the wilds of Vinland while searching for his lost brothers. An oath he has made to his father and family, an endeavor that he must bear out before the long winter leaves him stranded abroad in a strange world. Accompanied by a crew of misfit sailors to guide him, Rafn soon finds himself lost in this strange new land after he and his men are attacked by hostile natives, the Skraeling. Rafn is captured and sure to die until he is rescued by a rival tribe, who reluctantly takes him into their homes. Rafn spends the winter healing from his wounds and learning how to survive the útanlands from his new host, the Anishinàbe. After learning to communicate and interact with his saviors they quickly develop a more substantial relationship and begins to set his eyes and heart upon a young native girl with many Nordic resemblances, leading him to acknowledge an extensive history between his own people and the natives of Vinland. But before Rafn can get too settled in with his new friends, he realizes still that he must learn the truth of his brother’s fortune, or their fate. Once again he sets out to continue his quest, only this time he is guided by his new Algonquian friends, who possess a vast knowledge of their lands and the legends that haunt them. Rafn faces many challenges to prove he is worthy to live in peace among the allied tribes of Vinland, and to have the beautiful young woman as his wife. But first, he must help protect his new loved ones against a fearsome adversary known as the Kewahqu. A nomadic tribe of large and terrible warriors whose savage hearts thirst for the flesh and blood of their victims, capture Rafn’s soon to be bride as an object of their mystic ritual feasts. Rafn rallies his Algonquin brothers alongside fearless warriors from local neighboring tribes in an epic clash to rid the Vinland’s of a menacing horde, and save the young woman he loves.

Rafn's Journey takes place in northeastern pre-Columbian America, also referred to as “Vinland” in the earliest Viking Sagas, which date back to time of Leif Erickson, over 1000 years ago. Of course, I take the liberty of filling in some of those grey areas lost through translations, which makes this story a lot of fun to write. Along the way, my research has taught me several interesting facts and myths that I have incorporated into this story. For that I try to stay true to what is real as well as elaborating on what may have been, real. This is what gives me license to recreate a world that none of us have ever seen, only brought to our knowledge after centuries of compiling specific details from what was written in the sagas, and what has since been discovered to validate these stories. Each saga describes Vinland in a way that places it somewhere within and around the northeastern states and Canada. It wasn't until 1960 where the discovery and excavations of L'Anse aux Meadows revealed true evidence of an 11th century Viking settlement in Newfoundland, the earliest known European establishment in North America... so far. This proved that Vinland did in fact exist, and within the same region described in the Sagas. Many other artifacts from Labrador down to the Carolina's have given us clear evidence of Viking explorations and trade with the indigenous people, known as the "Skraeling" to the Norsemen. In my writing, I avoid calling them Indians, as they were not known by that name before Columbus arrived in what he assumed was India. Nor do I use the name America, because it was not yet named for the explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who mapped this new world previously named Vinland by the Vikings 500 years earlier. It’s difficult to explain exactly where Vinland is according to the Sagas. I believe "Vinland was simply the name they chose to call the entire continent, not knowing how large is was in fact, rather than one specific location such as, Leifsbúðir, Straumfjörð, Hóp and Norumbega. All described in fair detail, only with exception of their topographical coordinates. That is what gives me creative license to speculate to the best of my imagination without going overboard. I can’t wait to debut the complete story, but it takes time and patience to produce a book of this genre. I will keep posting my progress as well as my research as it evolves. I hope you all get to enjoy it soon enough and thank you for following me on this epic journey.
Look for my new series of humorous short stories, coming soon!