When the first edition of Manner of the Sundog ran in 2013, I found more than an allowable count of errors. I was told the formatting transition of the text was to blame, such as typo's and duplicated words, sentences and even whole pages. It was a total mess, basically the unedited version of my original manuscript. After pointing out hundreds of errors, the book was reprinted, and in early 2014, the book ran for a 2nd edition. I was told the first run was recalled. But I have learned this not to be true, as many people have asked me to sign copies of that 1st edition, which they had recently purchased. And, I have seen it for sale on various internet book stores. The 1st edition has the same artwork except for how my name appears at the bottom of the cover. Edition one, the "mess," shows my name in small type, bottom left corner. Edition two has my name at the bottom, centered in bold type.
Thank you-